Saturday, August 2, 2014

Look: The Darker Side

This is my first post. I created this blog as a median to store pictures, inspirations, and other things that go on in my life.  I'm not sure in what direction it will go or if any one will care for it at all. To have expectations limits ideas to a confined set of goals.  My intension is not to receive monetary gains or leave impressions.  By following a rigid template of thoughts there is no longer any freedom for stories and ideas to take a different turn into the unknown.  Having a limitation of freedom may diminish creativity and adventure which is the basis and core to what I post.  So, without any direction, plan, or expectation, I give birth to the Purging of Pink - my new blog.  



  1. I am looking forward for your next posts!

    1. Thank you! I'm glad you like my posts. I should have some new ones coming soon.
